Autumn is a season of transition and “A New Earth” resonates with the essence of this transformation. The book’s central theme revolves around the idea of awakening to a new level of consciousness, shedding the layers of ego and embracing spiritual...
Easter, a time traditionally associated with spring and rebirth, finds its roots entwined with the rhythms of nature and the cycles of the moon. In the northern hemisphere as winter transitions to spring and the first blooms emerge, Easter arrives in tandem with...
Are you ready to go that little bit deeper? Back by popular demand in 2024, Billabong Retreat is relaunching the Specialist Day Retreat programs. This unique offering is an opportunity to take a deep dive into interesting topics and practices led by highly experienced...
I have been learning about Mary Magdalene this past few weeks. Inspired by the following books. Enjoy my interpretations,Paul x Follow me online for my free unrefined expression :-) The Gospel of Mary of Magdala by Karen L. King Magdalene...
Do you ever feel disconnected from your partner? This does not have to become normal. Feeling disconnected in your relationship can stem from many reasons, one of the most common reasons is due to a disconnection from understating of yourself. If you are detached...
Mums, you will understand me. All of a sudden you have birthed a new level of love but it has come with a new level of stress – a menstrual nightmare. “Why are you doing this to me” – I definitely have said that a few times. This has to change. Your...
Yoga is a practice for everybody… And it is much more than just a physical practice. When most people think of yoga, they think of a series of strenuous, physical postures. Yoga is also a mental, and spiritual practice. It originated in ancient India over 5,000...
Mindfulness isn’t about filling up your mind so that your mind is “full”. It isn’t about emptying your mind either… Mindfulness is a practice where you simply bring your awareness to the present moment. Instead of letting your mind dwell in the past or dream of the...
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key), is a Japanese energy technique. The term “reiki” comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life force energy. Reiki as we know it today, was developed in the 1920s by the Buddhist priest Mikao Usui. It is...
How do we bring forth our deepest aspirations into a living experience? In this article we’ll be looking at how to distinguish when we manifest from a place of presence and when we let ego run the show. We’ll also explore how we can work with our insecurities and...
Although yoga has been around for thousands of years, it has evolved in the West to often be nothing more than a form of exercise that incorporates breath. Although this is great for some and is the reason why most people come to the practice, we are missing some of...
It takes courage to face our thoughts and emotions with gentle honesty. The parts of ourselves we’d prefer to deny and cover up with our well perfected strategies of escaping. Some are rather benign like going for a walk or watching a movie whilst others can be quite...
I mean really watch them. What are you saying to yourself over and over again on a regular basis? Notice if we say I don’t have this or this always happens to me. I can’t do this or perhaps I can do that. What happens? Does it ironically always happen to you? If we...
So many are constantly looking outside themselves for love. In the next relationship, chocolate bar, cigarette, drugs, sex, what ever it might be, take your pick. There is a feeling you are seeking whether you realise it or not in everything we do or purchase. Love...
It is no secret that I love Rumi. I read his quotes and poems in my yoga classes all the time because I find that he has such a knack for explaining something deep and profound in one short sentence that makes so much sense! If you are sitting there wondering...
A fantastic book encouraging you to explore who ‘you’ really are. Are you the voices in your head? Are you simply a body? Are you something more? Michael A Singer explores the notion of consciousness using methods of meditation and mindfulness. We really...
By Paul von Bergen Compassion and kindness starts with the self. This is not narcissistic or self-centred but the best contribution you can make to the universe. When you love yourself you will project love to others. When you hate yourself this is what you will...
By Paul von Bergen, Founder, Billabong Retreat Learning how to set high quality intentions rather than poor quality resolutions is an essential skill for anyone who wants to create change in their lives. How many times have you or someone else set a new year...
A mantra is a word or sound repeated to help in concentration and meditation. The yogic mantra Soham (Pronounced as So’ Hum) translates to I am that” (so = “I am” and hum = “that”). To practice this begin by bringing your attention to the rhythm of your breath,...
For many of us, the start of a new year usually marks the beginning of a new cycle. It is often a time of reflection on the various events that have happened in the prior year, what we have achieved or not, and the setting for new resolutions based on what we would...
By Paul von Bergen We have been fans of Bruce Lipton for a while now and the more we read and absorb, the more obvious and simple his teachings become. His core statement is that our thoughts affect our genes. We think thoughts which create emotional chemicals that...
By Paul von Bergen With the new year firmly established it is appropriate to reflect on the direction of our life and whether we are creating the reality we want. It is also a time when a lot of us set goals with the belief that this will more likely make them happen....
Arriving, perfect timing. Late, fate hesitate Coming here to mediate Quiet night, dream inside others moving different tides. Sitting breathing frogs I’m hearing, listening and learning ancient dreaming Outside stillness inside stirring New ways to be, I am learning...
By Paul von Bergen If you have read the article on perspective, then you will realize that the amount of time that Europeans have been in Australia is miniscule compared to the time that indigenous people have. About 250 years versus 40,000 years – 0.00625% of the...
By Paul von Bergen Many people have many different opinions on this, most of us simply don’t have a clue, some of us don’t think there is one and too many of us seem to thing that it is to collect as many material possessions as possible. The meaning of life is easy...