Did you know your retreat could be be fully tax deductible?

Our programs increase your skills, knowledge and capacity to perform in your current job. At the retreat you will learn how to

  • train the part of your mind used to pay attention and thus be better able to handle multiple tasks
  • learn how to notice the role your emotions can play in decision making and choose whether to follow them or not
  • become a more compassionate leader or team player and therefore get the most productivity out of yourself and your colleagues
  • understand how to clearly communicate your thoughts and direct them with purpose and vision in alignment with your workplace priorities
  • reduce stress to increase your capacity.performance and workplace attendance

You can read more from the ATO by clicking here

Explain to your accountant how these programs will improve your brain functions, reduce your stress, increase your ability for work productivity and make you a better colleague or leader,

Obviously we are not qualified to give tax advice. Your accountant is though 🙂