Alternate Tuesdays & Saturdays

Holistic Workshops

  • Location: Waterside Pavillion
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Time: 2:30pm
  • Facilitator: Kelly Phoenix Rose
  • Price: $50 per person


Women’s Holistic Wellbeing Workshop

Have you ever wanted to know the connection between health, nature and the cycles of life? If you want to know how this relationship supports health & wellbeing, through a holistic view, then come along for this mind altering, soul soothing workshop.

Topics Include:

  • How nature , cycles & women are aligned to health & spiritual growth.
  • The natural power that women have access to.
  • The dangers of our receptive nature and how to avoid dis-ease.
  • What is the biggest mistake women make when it comes to health.
  • How our cycle and physiology can dictate our wellbeing.
  • What to do to enhance self healing, naturally.

We all feel the yearning to develop healthy & sustainable tools to support the ebb & flows of life.

Holistic Detox Workshop

Join in on an exploration of expanding the awareness and understanding on how we can achieve health & wellbeing through detoxification in today’s modern world.

With so much exposure to toxins & chemicals and an array of heavily marketed products, navigating and deciding what is the best way to keep the body clean is a holistic practice within its own right.

Topics Include:

  • How immunity & cells work together.
  • The power in water.
  • How emotions and thoughts affect detoxification.
  • Nature being the greatest teacher for health & wellbeing.
  • The difference between detoxification & purification.

The power has always been and always will be yours when it comes to detoxification.

Add a holistic workshop to an overnight stay or day retreat.

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