During winter we tend to spend much more time seated. This builds up tension in the lower body, especially the hips.

As we skip into spring we start to demand more from our bodies. To help you move with ease into the final months of 2022, Billabong Retreat Host Cristina shares 4 yoga poses to practice at home to release your hips.

1. Squat

This posture opens the hips and relaxes the lower back.

To get into the pose, start standing and separate your feet shoulder width apart. Turn your toes out slightly and bend your knees to squat down. Let the palms touch at the center of the chest with the elbows pressing against the inner knees. Hold for 10 breaths.

2. Supported Bridge

This posture releases the hip flexors which can tighten and shorten due to prolonged sitting. The hip flexors are a group of muscles along the front of your upper thighs.

To get into the pose, lay on your back on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet hip width apart on the floor. Press down through your feet to lift your hips. Slide a block, bolster or cushion beneath your sacrum. Gently lower your hips. Hold for 10 breaths.

3. Reclined Butterfly

This posture opens the hips, inner thighs and groin.

To get into the pose, lay on your back on the floor. Press the soles of the feet together with the knees bending out to the side. Draw the heels towards the pelvis and make a diamond shape with the legs. For an even deeper stretch, place a block, cushion or bolster beneath the feet. Hold for 10 breaths.

4. Reclined Pigeon

This posture releases the glute muscles, hip flexors and lower back.

To get into the pose, lay on your back on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Make a figure four with your legs by crossing the right ankle over the top of the left knee. Place a block, cushion or bolster beneath the foot for support. Hold for 10 breaths.

Cristina runs the ‘Self Care Retreat’ and the ‘Energise Your Life Retreat’ at Billabong. For more about our retreat programs see our Retreat Calendar.