100% plant-based, gluten free
I love these little muffins for so many reasons. They’re easy, tasty, look sensational and are made completely from plants.
Equipment Needed:
• Muffin tin & moulds plus some oil to grease the tin
• A bullet, food processor or blender (you could also use a whisk if you don’t have any of these)
• Oven
• Large mixing bowl
• Spatula or large spoon
• Saucepan
3 x medium bananas
1/2 cup x canned coconut milk
1/4 cup x extra virgin olive oil ⠀
1 tsp x vanilla paste⠀
1/3 cup x coconut sugar⠀
3/4 cup x natural almond meal ⠀
3/4 cup x brown rice flour ⠀
1/2 tsp x cinnamon powder ⠀
1/2 tsp x baking power ⠀
1/4 tsp x bicarb soda
1/4 cup x canned coconut cream⠀
1/8 cup x rice syrup ⠀
1/8 cup x maple syrup ⠀
1/4 cup x extra virgin coconut oil ⠀
1/3 cup x cacao powder ⠀
2 Tbsp or 2 nibs x cacao butter ⠀
pinch x sea salt ⠀
1 tsp x vanilla paste ⠀
1) Make the choc fudge filling by gently warm all ingredients except cacao powder in pot until liquid, then add cacao powder and blend or whisk together until smooth. Place in fridge uncovered for 1 hour or until firm
2) Preheat oven to 190c.
3) Blend all of the wet ingredients together until smooth. Pour into large mixing bowl. ⠀
4) Add all of the dry ingredients being sure to sift the rice flour and bicarb in to avoid them clumping. ⠀
5) Using a large spoon or spatula, gently fold dry mix into wet mix until completely combined. Try not to over work it, just enough so it is combined. ⠀
6) Start adding your muffin mix to the moulds only filling 1/3 of the way. You’re going to need some space for the choc filling. ⠀
7) Remove the choc fudge from the fridge and add a generous teaspoon full to the mix. Be sure to push it in slightly.⠀
8) Now add the rest of the mix and fill to about 90% of the way full. ⠀
9) Add a little slice of banana and a sprinkle of coconut sugar on top of each one. ⠀
10) Bake for about 20-25 minutes⠀
About the Chef
Simon Favorito: Executive Chef and Head of Wholefood Education

Simon Favorito comes from a lineage of wholefood chefs & has spent over half his life helping people to discover the magic of wholefood medicine through the culinary arts as a chef, a natural health practitioner, coach & teacher.
Simon offers conscious event catering, educational courses and personalised coaching that combines natural health principles, wholistic nutritional, modern psychology, traditional & contemporary food philosophy to help individuals create their own life changing food culture.
You can find Si cooking and teaching at Billabong Retreat every week Wednesday to Friday. For information on Wholefoods medicine, recipes, workshops and courses around Sydney, be sure to visit Simon’s Facebook page: Your Conscious Kitchen. or his Instagram Page