Here’s great and simple plant-based Parmesan recipe from our Executive chef

1 cup x raw almonds or macadamias
2 Tablespoons x nutritional yeast
1 tsp x sea salt
1 Tablespoon x extra virgin olive oil
2 thin slices x garlic (optional)

Pulse all ingredients together in food processor until broken into small crumble pieces. The smaller, the better they taste!

Use with pasta, soups and toss through salads to add a overly savoury crunch and texture.
This will store in the fridge for up to 3 months.


About the Chef

Simon Favorito: Executive Chef and Head of Wholefood Education

Simon Favorito comes from a lineage of wholefood chefs & has spent over half his life helping people to discover the magic of wholefood medicine through the culinary arts as a chef, a natural health practitioner, coach & teacher.

Simon offers conscious event catering, educational courses and personalised coaching that combines natural health principles, wholistic nutritional, modern psychology, traditional & contemporary food philosophy to help individuals create their own life changing food culture.

You can find Si cooking and teaching at Billabong Retreat every week Wednesday to Friday. For information on Wholefoods medicine, recipes, workshops and courses around Sydney, be sure to visit Simon’s Facebook page: Your Conscious Kitchen. or his Instagram Page