Makes around 15

Bliss Balls are such a wonderful treat and super-food snack. You can put almost anything in them, nuts seeds, dried fruit, peppermint or orange oils! And it’s so easy too.
  • 2 cups almond meal
  • 200 g of dried apricots (soak over night)
  • 11/2 cups desiccated coconut
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
  • 3 tblspns coconut oil (slightly melted if its hard)
Put all in a food processor or use a good stick blender (except half the desiccated coconut and coconut oil). Transfer to a large bowl and add the coconut oil and mix it well. If needed add more almond meal and desiccated coconut to achieve a firm mixture.
Put the left over desiccated coconut in a bowl. Roll the mixture into small to medium sized balls and cover in coconut. You can use a little warm water to wet your hands when rolling the balls.
Put in the fridge or freezer depending how you like them.
Enjoy this and other delicious food at