Serves 6

  • 2 tomatoes chopped
  • ½ cup spelt bread crumbs
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cups raw unsalted cashew nuts
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 eggs
  • Dried Italian herbs (oregano, basil )
  • 1 cup any grated veges (kumera, pumpkin, zucchini)
  • Olive oil (cold pressed)
  • ½ cup grated cheese (optional)

In a large pot, sauté  onions in oil until soft, add tomatoes and garlic, simmer for 5 minutes.

Grind cashew nuts into a meal and put in a large bowl, add breadcrumbs, herbs, grated veges and cheese (optional )… add eggs and mix through.

Empty nut mix into the saucepan and stir thoroughly,  cook gently for about 10 mins then transfer to a large baking dish. Cook in a moderate oven for about 35 mins or until browning on top.

Garnish with basil and grilled tomatoes and serve with baked veges, gravy and cranberry sauce! Yum.

 Torys Vegetarian gravy

  • 1 onion
  • 1 swiss stock cube or herbamare
  • Braggs liquid aminos
  • molasses
  • Tapioca flour (optional)
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons tamari

Chop an onion and  the garlic and fry in a pan till soft, add a cup and a half of water and a vege stock cube (I use ‘swiss’ brand or herbamare). Add a couple of teaspoons of tamari and a splash of’ Braggs’ liquid aminos. Now add a couple of tablespoons of molasses..keep stiring. Taste and add more molasses if you need to for sweetness.

If you don’t mind a chunky gravy leave as is or use a strainer to make a clear liquid. Add some tapioca flour to a little water then add to the gravy to thicken the sauce if you like.