Speciality Day Program – Saturdays
Connect & Thrive. Together.
Do you wish you and your partner spent more quality time together? Do you yearn for more closeness and connectivity?
Devoting time to intimacy is essential in keeping relationships connected and thriving but so often hard to find amongst the busyness of the day to day routine. This introductory workshop will deliver a devoted opportunity for connection and understanding that will help you to remember what’s truly important and worth dedicating your time to.
Bringing together empowering practices and experiential learning opportunities, as a couple, you will gain insights through principles from ancient wisdom and somatic practices that will enable you to access a connection you have perhaps not felt before or for a long time.
Energy flows where your attention goes so if you desire a long lasting, fulfilling, thriving and pleasurable relationship, this space will support you.

What you will learn:
- Connection and self embodiment practices to bring you home to your heart
- Ancient principles and somatic practices for couples
- Conscious communication and relating
- Somatic learning for deepening playful connection
- Rituals for honouring and witnessing each other
This is suitable for:
- Couples who may be experiencing disconnection or inability to connect
- New couples who want to make their relationship thrive
- Couples interested in improving their sex life
Your Facilitator: Willow Petersen
Willow has dedicated her life and service to the awakening of humanity by simply opening and embodying all aspects of herself.
Through trust in natural healing rituals surrounding plant medicine, movement, breath, yoga, meditation, bodywork, eros, sacred shamanic sexuality techniques and ancient philosophy, this allows your body to balance physically, emotionally and spiritually. She engages in daily practices that are devotional healing tools used to clear emotional and physical blockages.
Willow’s journey has been filled with both moments of pure bliss and moments of extreme lows – celebrating the duality of living. Hence, now gratefully walking, crawling, skipping and dancing her way on this earthy path to reach deeper within, into the safety of her soul… her truth.
Embodying the divine feminine, opening her heart and loving herself completely (the shadows and the light), has solidified awareness of the new dawn of spiritually which is erupting to enrich our existence. Life is meant to be a sacred initiation, let’s remember this.
Healing Arts & Bodywork | Devotional & Hawaiian Massage | Tantra | Embodiment | Sexuality & Intimacy | Reclaiming Pleasure
Willow openly welcomes the era of the new earth.