UPDATED: 1st March 2022


This Policy Is Subject To Constant Updates & Changes – Please Check Here 48 Hrs Before Arrival For Latest

  • We have 44,000m2 for 50 persons including plenty of outdoor eating spaces and well ventilated 144m2 workshop room
  • We ask guests to undertake a rapid antigen test if they have any symptoms. Tests are available to purchase at reception ($15)
  • All common touch points cleaned multiple times per day by staff
  • If the retreat has to close due to lockdown all guests automatically receive a credit voucher for the amount paid valid for three years.
  • We also offer a ‘Flexible Booking Option; at time of booking for $100 per room. This allows guests to reschedule due to any reason at any time without penalty (normal terms require 14 days).
  • All rooms, yoga equipment and surfaces sanitized between each guest use